Friday, 26 September 2008

Scratchy Visitors XD

Poses after bathh


*awhhh sunbathing* lolx

Here come my bro!!

*knock knock knock*

c joeey und c angel dtg rupanya.. both c angel n c joeey ani lapas dari vet yg d syorkan leh mmj.. ahah!! both of them bevaccine and de worming.. hehe.. and yg ksiannya c angel ada conjunctivities.. *awwhhh hugs angel* lawl! und und.. d sana g, ada ceta hhangat.. ahha p malas ku ceta.. mrh krg owner c joeeyy anii..

here some of their pictures..

this pict ku ambil time durang kana lapas dari ia punya carrying cage ahh..

nahhh.. ani tah c angel.. gf c joeeyy ni.. hehe

this is when jejak kasih bmula.. ahah.. scratchy ani kn mengaga bro nya.. p bro nya ani pemarah.. hehe maybe ia marah sal takut gf nya kana ambil leh scratchy..!! lol..

first clixkk.. *nahh nda cha dpt* wooo

second clixxkkk.. *gotcha scratchy* my king siiscratchy!!

evrytime mii cat follow bro nya ani.. marah ya.. p nda jua ia mlawan scratchy anii.. hee.. ia posa bahh iatah nda bleh marah.. XP

alaa.. mwajuk pulak dierr nii.. *bukan mwajuk laa* malas ia mlayan c joeey! haah

Joeey time to go home now!! haha basar sora nya.. lol.. both of them kinda bangang.. haha.. masih jua pemarah c joeey ani even time kn balik and time nya dlm carrying cage nya aa..

*angel's carrying cage*

*joeey owns it*

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