Wednesday, 26 November 2008
Saturday, 1 November 2008
2nd Nov 08
armmm.. btw.. i just wanna greet someone today.. hee " HAPPY BIRTHDAY REIREI" hee.. njoy
just wanna share some pictures of my cats.. here:
wooowww.. wowww.. kn tegugui ehh~ lawl..!
im watching tv now.. stop taking my picttt can u bro? ahaha *mmember boombros ni*
*fedup ku mlayan owner ku ani* thats what she said tadi.. dim2 belle..nanti ekaw!!
"CAN U STOP, DONT CHA??!!!" marakinya mata ehh..~
heyyy~~ m tireddd bro.. cut cut cuttt~~ its a wrap.. haha.. bahh adangth gambar ku saya ehh!!
heyyaa..~ sorryy for being hiatus lately..!! haha prasan kauu ahh rio!! wooo!
alaa... aku ni kan tunjuk samseng..!! ngacau geng ku d blakang ahhh.. supp Scratchy?!
*yawwnn yaawwnnnn* m shleeepyyy~ am i cute?? hehe sampat g tuu.. *pokes*
hee.. ni nahh new poster of mine.. will be publishhh todayy.. aku hiatus in this blog bcoz of shooting utk my muvie "SUPER CATTT" Primiere 2020..!! haha
hee.. now gambar Sii Scratchy plg :
*apa liat2?* woaaa pemaarahhh th jua.. *m just watching over c
urrkkksss!! where is he?? *GONE*
*yawwnnn yawnnn* sleeppyy jua neyhh.. tired bahh kn shooting saja ani.. blakun muvie *CATS LOVER* haha.. Acting name: Skwetch Chun - ala ala Wu Chun actor Brunei Butterfly Lovers.. hahahaha!!
bahhhss guyss.. thats all for todayy.. ehhee
Thursday, 16 October 2008
only picts plg saja ni ku update.. nada story2.. ahhaa.. bz wif attachment bahh.. and plus plus aku g attachment d ujung2 dunia.. wawaa !!
anii nahhh.. kucing ku yg kn tdur saja ani..!! haha.. d mana2 bahh ia tdurr ahh.. poora!!
here's my sis pnya belle!! haha..
bahh eeyhhh.. thats all.. dunno what to updatee.. wawawaw
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
New Frens XD
lemme share wif u guys some of the pict.. just took it b4 aku mempost ani.. ahah lawl!!
payah kan raya ani.. kucing pun payah2 jua tah kn mempost ahh.. lol..!!
here is it:
This is Rio.. Hehe.. My mum name it.. katanya sanang d panggil.. and atu pun arnd 12am dmlm mbgi nama ahh.. wawa..
Ani nahh my Hero ahh.. Barunya bangun tdur trus kan drive toy car.. lul..
ani both of them try to be frens.. dari dmlm udah ni conflict durang ahh.. c rio diam2 c scratchy mengatil.. haha.. and sudah subuh tadi time sahur.. waaa.. disaster arh toilet d bwh ahh leh durang.. wawaa
andddd here it is my new heroin.. ehhee.. bukan nya drugs ahh heroin ani.. awawaawa.. she 2months old today.. ehe.. and my lil sis name it "Belle" lol.. dari mana kah ia dpt that name.. hah.. ani c belle tdur lapas nya main futsal sorang diri tadi.. hehee.. manja brabis!! wawa
bah thats all.. XD
Tuesday, 30 September 2008
Raya Update..LOL!!!
Ada two choice of colour utk partner sii scratchy ani.. my choice grey colour plg and my lil sis pnya choice ani its like yellow colour.. ahha nda tau apa kana panggil in cat terms..!! lawl!
Where i found his partner? haha.. it is from where i bought scratchy dulu.. but ani its not her brother or sister plg..hehe.. arnd 1pm tadi we went to the owner pnya rumah.. so ia bawa kluar lah all the kittens.. umur kittens nya ani esk 2months! hehe lawa g birthdaynya tuu.. D.O.B nya 1st August 08..
bah ehh atu saja my update for now.. hee.. Selamat Hari Raya to all u guys out there, yg knal or nda knal aku slamat hari raya jua!! hehe.. jgn luan byk minum gas.. und und for owner meow skampung.. jgn jua lupa kan kucing.. hahaha sibuk2 braya kucing nda tejaga.. lawl..!!
Friday, 26 September 2008
Scratchy Visitors XD
Here come my bro!!
*knock knock knock*
c joeey und c angel dtg rupanya.. both c angel n c joeey ani lapas dari vet yg d syorkan leh mmj.. ahah!! both of them bevaccine and de worming.. hehe.. and yg ksiannya c angel ada conjunctivities.. *awwhhh hugs angel* lawl! und und.. d sana g, ada ceta hhangat.. ahha p malas ku ceta.. mrh krg owner c joeeyy anii..
here some of their pictures..
nahhh.. ani tah c angel.. gf c joeeyy ni.. hehe
this is when jejak kasih bmula.. ahah.. scratchy ani kn mengaga bro nya.. p bro nya ani pemarah.. hehe maybe ia marah sal takut gf nya kana ambil leh scratchy..!! lol..
Joeey time to go home now!! haha basar sora nya.. lol.. both of them kinda bangang.. haha.. masih jua pemarah c joeey ani even time kn balik and time nya dlm carrying cage nya aa..
*joeey owns it*